Cal's new book "God Can" was rolled out to the congregation this past weekend. We attended a book unveiling party on Thursday night for the new book and got to meet the other folks that are in the book. Yes, I am in the book which is a still a scary thought in my mind. This journey that I've started, travelling from the "Old" Rick to the "New" Rick is still hard to get my head wrapped around. Don't get me wrong, I like the "New" Rick, but reliving where I used to be in my life and the direction that my life is now taking me is still surreal to me. I just notice I said "the direction" in the last sentence which really indicates that someone else (GOD) is driving the bus that is now my life and that I have absolutely no control over my life.
It was very scary reading about my past, PG (Pre-God) life even though I lived it. It immediately trigger the jump and run impulse that was part of the PG Rick. Screw-up, jump and run, that was me! Always running from what was right, running from the truth, running from my Sin. The new book triggered that old, little voice in my head, the voice that whispers people are going to reject you once they know who you used to be, your past life is too gross for those that associate you now to not cause them to reject you.....!
I am humbled by this experience which is a total reversal of my typical makeup. God is good, God saves people, God Saved me.............!
Let's be honest. Some people may run away. That's okay because they won't know what they are missing in getting to know the new you!
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I'm staying put! We all have a story, a past that helps define how God has molded us to make us better.
When you hear that little voice, know for certain that it is not the voice of the God who loves you. The only running He wants you to do is TO HIM!